Golden Anniversary Celebration
Celebrated October 28, 1896 at the Dow House
The Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Dow, as befitted so rare an occasion, was both beautiful and impressive. Three hundred invitations had been issued, some going to friends at a distance, but about a hundred and fifty to two hundred were present. The Egermayer Orchestra from Carroll discoursed some music during the afternoon and evening. The rooms were fragrant with flowers – roses and carnations being most in evidence. In the dining room the color scheme was yellow, and the room was filled and refilled many times, dainty refreshments being deftly served by a bevy a pretty girls.
Simeon E. and Chloe Dow
Judge Dow looked very happy and contented as well he might with the beautiful wife to help do the honors, and receive the hearty greetings of so many old time friends. The bride of fifty years ago looked very stately and lovely in a black silk gown, point lace, yellow roses and violets. Mrs. Graves, Mrs. Will Dow, and the two little granddaughters assisted in receiving.
Mrs. Lemen and daughter of the Christian Home in Council Bluffs attended the wedding and Miss Lemen read a very interesting sketch of Mr. and Mrs. Dow, expressing the gratitude of the Christian Home for the interest taken in its welfare by this worthy couple.
“Fifty years ago to-day in the State of Michigan, the grand old state of fruits and flowers, and fair women and brave men, gathered many valued friends to witness the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Dow. Two hearts that bent as one were united, and many friends who were present rejoiced to see them start out hand in hand with hopes and great courage upon life's uncertain pathway.
As years were added to their wedded life God greatly blessed their united efforts in acquiring a happy home with all that home means. This enabled them to scatter seeds of kindness along their pathway of life as many here to-day can testify. You have conquered many difficulties which this life is subject to, you have made many dear friends who are with you to-day, as well as great numbers from the Atlantic to Pacific. We who are here have met in memory of your golden wedding. We rejoice over your happy past and unite our hopes for a still happier future with many dear and true friends.
I well remember the beginning of your wedded life, your early struggles, the sunshine and shadows that you experienced. You were both brave of heart and had but always dared to do right, and now after fifty years you are spared to see your children and your children's children and a host of friends gathered to make merry at your golden wedding. We congratulate you with all our hearts, we trust that many happy days and years may be added to your precious lives, that you still may continue to do good in the future as in the past, and when this life shall close you may hear the Savior say:
'Well done thou good and faithful servants, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord,
for thou has been faithful over small things, and I will make you ruler over
many things'' So may you be ever with the Lord.' – this is our prayer.”
Photo taken on October 28, 1896
Mrs. L.S. Amsden, formerly of Dunlap, Ia., now of Pasadena, Cal., was in attendance, and was warmly greeted by her old friends.
The gifts were many and elegant, showing the esteem and love which all feel for Mr. and Mrs. Dow. The Denison people presented a well filled purse of gold coins as their gift, a substantial token of esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Dow are held. Among the Denison people present your reporter noted, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gulick, Harker, Seagrave, Gould, Cornwell, Dunbar, Plimpton, Bullock, Cassaday, Mr. Laub, Mrs. Romans and Miss Meyers.
If good wishes will avail to make the life of Judge Dow and his wife happy, their remaining years will be free from care and trouble. May the "Indian Summer" of their life be full of peace."