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Chloe Dow's Train Mishap

Denison Review – September 28, 1883


1883 Womens Christian Temperance Union Group - Illustrative Only

Last Thursday Mrs. S.E. Dow and Mrs. N.A. Richards went as delegates to attend the meeting of the W.C.T.U. [Womens Christian Temperance Union] at Vail. When the train arrived at Vail it stopped and started again before the ladies could alight, and in attempting to step to the platform while the train was in motion, both ladies were thrown down and seriously hurt.

Mrs. Richards rolled to the edge of the platform, and came near falling under the sleeper. The spectators at the depot turned their backs to the scene and as soon as the train had passed ran to their assistance, carried them into the station, and summoned medical attendance.

The news of the accident soon spread over our town by a telegram stating their condition and requesting relatives to meet them at the train with mattresses and light carriages to convey them home. Many of our citizens went to the train, and all were surprised to find them injured more than they had anticipated.

Photo Illustrative Only

N. Richards went into the sleeper car and carried his wife out, put her in his buggy and carried her fully home.

Asa and William E. Dow and Mrs. Abner Graves were there to meet and care for their mother. Many friends assisted Mrs. Dow hauling the carriage with Mrs. Dow in it, by hand, carefully to her home on the hill above town. S.E. Dow being away from home at the time.

Dr. DeWolf, of Vail, a physician from Denison, and some ladies from Vail came home with the sufferers to care for them. Dr. Beatty and Dr. Christy, of Dunlap, were called and the railroad company had their physician from Council Bluffs in the evening. They had a consultation and examination. They reported to the anxious friends that no bones were broken, but that both ladies were seriously injured, and it would be some time before they would entirely recover from their injuries.

At this writing both ladies were unable to be off their beds, yet there is some improvement in the condition of each. The railroad officials have been here wishing to come to a settlement for damages, but the parties here did not wish to settle at present. I understand that the conductor and brakesman have both been turned out for their neglect.

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