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Denison Bulletin – September 11, 1902



Strikes Sheriff Bell as Latter Opens Jail Door, and Then Runs Before Revolver Shots.

William Numley, the negro accused of murdering Fred Powell, the C. M. & St. Paul brakeman at Arion some weeks ago, broke jail last Monday evening and got away.

The prisoners in the jail had been let into the jail corridor for their supper, as was usual, and Sheriff Bell had not returned to the jail to see that they were locked into their cells for the night. Just before nine o'clock he went back to the jail to perform this duty. He had been warned before that the big negro, Numley, would try to knock him over sometime and make his get-away. Consequently the sheriff had a revolver in his pocket handy when he went to the jail. He unlocked the outer door, and as it pushes open quite hard, he put both hands against it and shoved. At that the negro inside jerked on the door, throwing it open, and then jumped for the sheriff. He struck the latter squarely on the side of the head, knocking him on his knees, then he kept on striking at him to get him out of the way. The sheriff, not knowing but what the big brute had a knife or something, kept his arms up over his head to guard against another blow, and thus the negro got outside and broke for liberty.

Sheriff Bell was close after him, however, and as he darted out from between the fence and the courthouse the sheriff pulled his gun and shot at him, not more than eight or ten feet away. Twice more the bullets were sent to stop the murderer, but all seemed to fail in their mission. The negro was now running as though a ghost were after him, and was headed for the east side of the court yard, turning thence southward through the trees and the sheriff was again close upon him. The gun was snapped again, but no bullet went and the sheriff quit the chase and went for help.

Crawford County Courthouse - 1902

The negro turned into the street going southwest from the court yard and sped away in the darkness. People were notified and soon the sheriff and the local police with a number of citizens were engaged in the chase to find the big rascal. But it was of no use. He had made for cover, and either put up in some field or caught a passing train for a ride out of town.

The news of the escape was soon telegraphed all over the country with a reward of fifty dollars offered by the sheriff for the prisoner's recapture. Cards and photographs have been sent everywhere, and marked as the negro can hardly escape capture very long, although he may keep away from the next term of court.

William Numley Photograph from Reward Poster

Numley is a large negro, weighing 160 or 170 pounds, mulatto colored, and has on top of the front part of the head a great scar which prevents the hair from growing. He is an intelligent-looking negro, and of athletic build. His identification would be easy, and his arrest must follow as certain as there are officers of the law on the lookout for criminals.

Sheriff Bell says none of the other prisoners escaped, he thinks because his family rushed out to see what was wrong, and further because the sound of the shots probably made them think Numley had been shot, and they feared the sheriff's revolver. Mr. Bell feels sore over the escape and especially over the assault of the negro, and it is safe to say that no stone will be left unturned by him to get the murderer back again.

To be Continued:



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